Retain market share, fill pipeline and ensure brand loyalty during a voluntary suspension of U.S. shipments.
The Strategy
Engage and nurture current customer base and create excitement in the market for the introduction of a line of innovative products during shipping pause and beyond.

The Tactics
Leverage existing customer base to create a series of Physio-Control product user testimonials “in their own words” to raise awareness and sustain brand loyalty.
Create a series of testimonials in print and audio, a 24 page advertorial, product catalog and historic infographic spotlighting product evolution and lifesaving impact of Physio devices in the hands of diverse rescue workers across the country and around the globe.
Combine a rich product history with a forward look at newly introduced products in user friendly, intuitive online experience.
The Results
Tremendous enthusiasm from product users willing to share stories of lifesaving heroics and the importance of Physio products in diverse scenarios. Reinforced product value, strengthening brand loyalty and igniting interest in new prodects.
Business Impact: Physio emerged from the 12 month stop-shipment period with an 18-month backlog of orders.